The Greens call for urgent action to protect cyclists after a(nother) serious incident on Warneford Lane.
Says Green Councillor and cycling champion Dick Wolff, "This twitter post from a tearful cyclist [1] is sadly not the first incident that has been reported on Warneford Lane. On this short stretch of road we have a dangerous cycle lane that requires the prudent cyclist to move into the centre of the carriageway to avoid being 'doored' by someone exiting a parked car.
On this occasion, the stress of cycling down this hazardous stretch of road was exacerbated by an aggressive driver who, frankly, has no place driving on Oxford's streets, or indeed anywhere for that matter.
The solution is not rocket science. Remove the cycle lane and make the whole stretch a cycle priority route with marking in the centre of the carriageway. Ideally, the parking should also be removed or better managed."
FMI: Cllr Dick Wolff 07968 486854
10th November 2020
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