Oxfordshire Green Party

West Oxfordshire candidates

You can vote for Green Party candidates everywhere in West Oxfordshire.

Click on the map to find your division and Green Party candidate. Then click on the picture to find out more your candidate.

Burford and Carterton N Rosie Pearson
Carterton S & W Alma Tumilowicz
Charlbury & Wychwood Celia Kerslake
Chipping Norton Paul Creighton
Eynsham Kate Griffin
Hanborough & Minster Lovell Andy Wright
Witney N & E Stuart Macdonald
Witney S & Central Freddie Peppiatt
Witney W & Bampton Maurice Fantato
Woodstock John O’Regan
West Oxfordshire by-elections
Carterton S Alma Tumilowicz
Witney E Kate Griffin