Oxfordshire Green Party

Oxford City candidates

You can vote for Green Party candidates everywhere in the City of Oxford.

Click on the map to find your division and Green Party candidate. Then click on the picture to find out more your candidate.

Barton, Sandhills & Risinghurst Mary-Jane Sareva
Churchill & Lye Valley Julian Faultless
Cowley Hasan Miah
Headington & Quarry Ray Hitchins
Iffley Fields & St. Mary's David Williams
Isis Judy Chipchase
Jericho & Osney Sushila Dhall
Leys Lizzie McHale
Marston & Northway Alistair Morris
Rose Hill & Littlemore Paul Skinner
St. Clement's & Cowley Marsh Elise Benjamin
St. Margaret's Ann Duncan
University Parks Sam Coates
Wolvercote & Summertown Dick Wolff
City by-elections
Churchill Julian Faultless
Rose Hill & Iffley Manishta Sunnia