Donate in 2022

Donate in 2022

In 2021, we embarked on our most ambitious campaign yet to elect Green councillors in Oxfordshire in the May local elections. You can help us win again in 2022!

Voters elected 3 Green Party county councillors, who are now running Oxfordshire County Council together with the Liberal Democrats and Labour. We also won more council seats in Witney and Oxford.

But campaigning costs a lot of money!

It took a lot of money to campaign against the bigger parties. COVID-19 had disrupted our usual annual fundraising efforts and we needed to campaign hard to win in the May 2021 elections. We used almost all our reserves to run our biggest ever election campaign. Now we have more elections in 2022 and 2023, so we need your help.

How can you help?

  • £5 can pay for a canvassing pack to equip a volunteer.
  • £15 will print 500 posters for a town.
  • £25 pays for a online advertisement to reach people at home.
  • £40 will print a letter for every postal voter in a county division.
  • £150 will pay for 5000 leaflets to get Green supporters to vote.
  • £250 will pays for an advertisement in all newspapers in Oxfordshire.
  • £600 pays for voter telephone numbers to call while we cannot knock on doors.

Donate to our fighting fund now. Give a little, or give a lot, whatever you can afford. Thank you.

£378.00 raised
GOAL: £10,000.00



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Contributions are not tax deductible.

You can only donate £500 or more if you are a permissible donor. A permissible donor is:

  1. An individual registered on a UK electoral register, including overseas electors and those leaving bequests.
  2. Most UK-registered companies.
  3. A Great Britain registered political party.
  4. A UK-registered trade union, building society, or friendly society.
  5. A UK-registered LLP or unincorporated association that carries on business or other activities in the UK.

I am either a permissible donor, or I am giving less than £500.
