Greens at climate change conference - listen in

2t CO2 by 2022On Wednesday 11th December our Green Party candidates are hosting an online public meeting on the climate emergency, with a link to the Green Economics Institute delegation at COP25, the UN Climate Conference in Madrid which is happening right now.

You will hear what is happening at the Climate Conference, from the Green Economics Institute team and delegates from different countries.

Our Green Party candidates, Jo Robb, David Williams and Ian Middleton will explain what we need to do in this country to seriously tackle the climate crisis, in the original, accept no substitutes, Green Party Green New Deal.

RSVP below to grab a place on this video webinar and learn how you can connect on Wednesday for an hour.

December 11, 2019 at 12:00pm - 1pm
Zoom video conference
David Newnan · · 01865 429750
David Newman

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