Chris Goodall for Oxford West and Abingdon

Chris Goodall for Oxford West and Abingdon

Chris GoodallGreen Party candidate, Chris Goodall, has a worldwide reputation as a writer and researcher on the transition to a zero-carbon economy. His books have won prizes and commendations.

Chris also takes an active role locally and lives in the constituency. He has been working to improve the huge Botley West solar farm proposal so that it meets Oxfordshire’s needs. In particular, he has obtained from the developer a commitment to dedicate parts of the project to community horticulture to improve the availability of locally-grown fruit and vegetables. Improving our diets is a particular interest of his and he is also helping local allotment associations in Oxford increase the flow of good quality fresh produce to food banks and community larders.

Climate change poses a devastating threat to our society. Chris is standing in this election for Oxford West and Abingdon to respond to this threat and to put environmental issues at the centre of the political debate. Fairness and greater equality must play a vital role in building a sustainable society. Addressing climate change will be difficult and costly and it is through improved social justice that we will maintain the political consensus necessary to get to zero emissions. The Greens are the only party to propose resolute action on the environment combined with redistributive social policies.

The Liberal Democrats will keep this constituency in the 2024 election, and there is no chance of the Conservatives winning. Every Green vote in Oxford West and Abingdon sends an important message to the other parties that they must prioritise real action in moving towards a more sustainable society.

For more information on his campaign, take a look at the Oxford City General Election pages.

Vote Green for real hope, and real change.


Chris Goodall is the best candidate for Oxford West and Abingdon.

Who's endorsing

Barry Wheatley
Marianne Moxon

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Showing 3 reactions

  • Barry Wheatley
    endorsed 2024-06-28 10:04:14 +0100
  • Marianne Moxon
    endorsed 2024-06-19 16:53:42 +0100
  • David Newman
    published this page in Your 2024 General Election candidates 2024-06-03 17:21:49 +0100