The Green Party will be running a stand in Chipping Norton high street in the top car park on Saturday the 2nd December. You'll be able to hear what the Green Party is doing in Oxfordshire and also our ambitions around Chipping Norton. So, please come along and show your support.
The stand will be up from around 9am until mid afternoon and we'll be looking to gauge peoples views on local food/energy production, and community spaces.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Arron Baker on behalf of West Oxfordshire Green Party
December 02, 2023 at 9:00am - 3pm
Chipping Norton Top Car Park
Market Street
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Market Street
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Arron Baker
· 07855252083
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