The Cabinet of the County Council has agreed to end all bus subsidies. County Councillor Sam Coates gives the Green Party group view:
"The vote to end bus subsidies is terrible news for those communities who rely on them. With an ageing population throughout the County, we have to recognise that as people get older they may drive less and those who need help to get around may be isolated and unable to access crucial services.
"This decision flies in the face of the council's Transport Plan, which promised to support public transport to tackle congestion, air pollution and to give people a choice of how they travel, Now, in a single step, the Conservative administration proposes to increase traffic by forcing people on the road. Friends, neighbours and relatives will all end up doing more ferrying journeys for people who can't get around by car than ever before in the absence of adequate bus services.
"This is sadly yet another sign of government imposing cuts on our Council whilst cutting taxes for large corporations and the most wealthy in this country.
"Over the coming months we will be putting the case for a small additional increase in Council Tax to save as many vital services as possible, and the lifeline of rural buses is likely to form part of that package."
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