This is the third of our monthly Big Days Out in Oxfordshire. Come along and meet other Greens, find out more about the local political issues in a ward we can win, and spend an hour or two helping locals campaign.
The itinerary for the day is as follows:
11.30am | Meet at Magdalen Road Church, 41A Magdalen Road OX4 1RB
1pm-3pm | Door to door survey |
3pm | Assemble at Rusty Bike pub, Magdalen Road for drinks & debrief |
East Oxford parliamentary constituency has gained Advanced Constituency Status, meaning special support from the national party for growth of membership and representation. The long term aim is to make a major challenge for the parliamentary seat of Oxford East in the general election scheduled for 2020. To help this effort, Oxfordshire Green Party is arranging action days in Oxford to support boosting the Green vote in the combined local and European elections of May 2014. Help is very welcome!

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