Ian Middleton is the Green Party candidate for the Banbury constituency in the general election on 7 May 2015.
Who is Ian?
I'm a local businessman, entrepreneur, a writer and columnist, an advocate for animal and human rights and a campaigner for independent business, particularly retailers. Now increasingly focussed on ethical business ventures and how business can be a genuine part of the social contract with local and global communities.
Why is he standing?
I'm standing because after years of complaining about the impotence of our political system, I thought it was time I stood up and tried to change things from within. For me The Green Party represents the only currently acceptable alternative to the entrenched political elite, carrying none of the baggage collected by the established Westminster cabal.
What will Ian do when elected?
When elected, I'll do my best for the people of Banbury, Bicester and the surrounding towns and villages. Interesting times are ahead for the area with large building and business developments set to change the economic and environmental landscape dramatically. I'll ensure that those will yield positive outcomes and benefits for the people and businesses in the Banbury constituency.