Join us to get Greens Winning in Aylesbury Vale in our target ward by-election!
Changes in circumstances means there will be a by-election in our target ward in the new year, months before May 2nd, with a shortened time-frame we need all the help we can get to win.
We know we can win, Aylesbury Vale Green Party is pushing to win here in 2019 after coming 2nd last time. Join us to help make this happen on Sunday 20th January 10am-4pm at Haddenham Village Hall, Haddenham and Thame
There will be canvassing training with the Field Organiser before getting out there and talking to voters.
It is 15 min. walk from Haddenham and Thames Parkway station, on the Chiltern Line from Oxford, Bicester and Banbury, or take the Sapphire 280 bus to Fort End.
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