9th Annual Green Economics Institute Conference

Exploring the social and environmental aspects of this “anaemic, unsustainable and Business as Usual Recovery". Lets end austerity and create a beneficial economy for everyone and everything on the planet!

Call For Papers 9th 10th 11th July 2014 for Conference to be held at the Science, Earth Science and Economics Faculties at the University of Oxford. 3 Days, Call for Speakers, Papers, workshops and participants.

We will have far more room and rooms than ever before so we can accommodate more speakers with longer sessions - so if you apply early you should be able to get the sessions you would like.

Please email us as soon as possible to ensure you get your requests.

Please email us for a booking form and registration details: [email protected]

The course programme has now been confirmed.

Panel Debates and Sessions

The rise of Green Ideas in an age of Geo political and environmental turbulent

Green Philosophy, policy making and geo political stresses in 2014.

How in the fight against climate change, we need human progress and development

We need to end poverty at the same time as we can tackle climate change as the two go hand in hand.

Unequal societies are more tense and less successful.

Death floating in the Mediterranean !

Population, migration, human desperation, the awful misery of people trafficking and the surge in people trying to come to Europe from all over Africa. Fishing bodies out of the Mediterranean in their thousands. Greens predicted a disaster on this scale and Green Solutions need to be explored. Climate change, drought, over population, food security -water shortages and extreme poverty are pushing people to increasingly disastrous and desperate measures.

The worlds megacities- London and others- how do we cope with an economy driven in the interests of so few.

The evolution of the New India. The Greening of India and the road to a healthy balanced economy.

Business Initiatives for Change:CSR circular economy. Recycling – reusing Rare earth metals

The unfolding Europe, and European crisis and its economic mess. Negative interest rates and huge unemployment. When Europe catches a cold – the rest of the world catches the plague...

Eastern European perspectives, Ukraine, Latvia, Romania and Lithuania – where next ?

Trade Blocks and Power Elites- the biggest trade deal ever involving half of human kind-do we want it ? Do you want it? Are you aware its being negotiated in your name?

Reviving the cold war and all the other previous wars- is this really a civilised way to behave- or do we need to plan and use our energies for progress policies to create more equality

Sharing our resources- whose resources- how do we share and who with

The rise of nationalism and the reinstatement of the Nation State? How far should it go -

Localism, globalisation or deglobalisation and transition. Is local best or national? Who should determine our laws

The Limits of Democracy and its current malaise

China and its development. Urban and Rural issues, development and equality-

Industry, China the production house of the world moves into a new more up market phase. How does it affect China and how does it affect everyone else?

Forests, pollution and the lungs of the world.

Climate Change, the IPCC latest report, towards COP 20, the rapidly melting ice sheets

The worst flooding for generations: water issues. Drought- the failure of the ice in the North this winter. Climate shifts and instability. Oxford under water? How did it happen?400 Ppm. Climate disaster now expected to be approaching.

Healthcare in an age of Austerity: Anti biotics- investment in medical causes which dont make multi national profits, if we need them why cant we have them?

Care and its economics in an ageing population. Preserving a free and effective NHS.

The extreme economic costs of mental health as a result of todays stresses

Ending Austerity and over consumption – boom and bust and bubbles -

Towards a health trajectory of a sustainable economy -what does it mean ? Finance, localisation, deglobalisation, investment etc, cleaning up Finance.

The Green Built Environment – from Tanjin to Oxford -how can the world reduce its built environment carbon footprint. Green Buildings innovations in use in China.

Construction – the World Cup stadium construction – a modern pyramid where people die in its construction ? Have we learnt anything in 5000 years?

The Green Transport Revolution -cleaning up Transport and changing expectations

Tourism, travel, leisure and eco tourism

Improving planning for local services and public transport

The Green Energy Revolution and Renewables, Solar, Wind Geothermal etc

What Is the role of engineers and engineering in the 21st century- Technologies- Nuclear, Fracking GMOs- ?how do we prevent unintended consequences from our activities- ethics and the balance of what is best?

We all need energy independence. Do we give up the economy for the 7th Generation in favour of quick fixes today?

Animal protection -what defines us as human -? trouble finding one difference between us and the animal kingdom – should we take much more care?

The Spiritual moral and ethical desert- do we know right from wrong- ?

Half the world- the war against women ? When will it end ?

Shooting and kidnapping of school girls- Stoning of women Doctors. Disaster- human kind needs its women.

The Greening of IT and its future- energy, servers, CO2, WEEE, open source

big business interests, big brother watching us- all conversations reported to governments. 1984? Phone Hacking. Privacy, Transparency, on line malware, cybercrime

Corruption in public life and unending greed and how its rewarded by the celebrity culture

Can regimes cope with corrupt officials?

Trafficking and slavery crime?-the modern curses- how can we end this?

Africa and Nigeria- how to help in an age of strife, despair and climate change. The Greening of Nigeria, Ethiopia and the Age of Transition in the rest of Africa – Mandelas Legacy in South Africa.

South and Latin America and Brazil -what is happening -does its problems reflect wider concerns globally.

Earth Science and Engineering- what is the proper role of Engineering and Engineers in today economy? Nuclear & Fracking, What are the pros and cons ?

Food and water security- the coming world crisis.

Soil Erosion, compaction and degradation.

Junk, waste, new frontiers- the Arctic, the Sea, Antarctic and Space and Satellites

NGO and campaigners perspectives-



July 09, 2014 at 9:00am - July 11, 2014
Faculties of Earth Science, Geography and Economics
Oxford University
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3AN
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Miriam Kennet · · 07990 590463

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