If you want to look at strategy for 2019 elections and get involved in planning them right from the start, this is the event to come to.
There are elections on 2 May 2019 all across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of the White Horse, plus some in Cherwell District and West Oxfordshire. This time we will replace some lazy Conservative councillors with Green Party councillors who care.
To win we need to plan a year-round campaign that starts in June, using all the techniques in the How to Win Local Elections manual and your best ideas. We will be working in small groups to decide where to concentrate our efforts, how to get more people involved, what we should do when, and how to organise the campaign.
We are starting at 11:30 so that members coming from Oxford can, if they wish, take the Salters steamer along the River Thames on the way. The nearest bus stop in Boundary House, 5 min. walk from the venue.
There will be a bring and share lunch. Programme here.
This is an event for Oxfordshire Green Party members only. There will be other events for supporters.
Northcourt Centre
Northcourt Road
Abingdon OX14 1QD
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

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