Protecting Public Services
Our public services are key to how we care for each other as a society. Our schools and hospitals, teachers and care workers should be able to put us first and provide a quality service.
When private companies are buying up our public services, they are run for profit and people pay the price. Greens have always seen good quality publicly run services as essential to building a caring society. They should be publicly owned, be of a high quality and publicly accountable. The Greens have a long history of solid support for public services at every level.
Green successes:
- Repeatedly proposing legal alternative budgets to illustrate how vital frontline services could be protected in the face of relentless central government grant cuts.
- Gaining City Council support for the campaign to save Oxfordshire’s Children Centres.
- Convinced the Council to retain control of council housing when others were selling it off.
- Taking our fight to Number 10, presenting practical ideas to Cameron and in the local and national media on how to fund vital local services.
- Campaigned to reopen the Oxford Community Hospital.
- Stopped the closure of municipal toilets around Oxford.
- Opposed the privatisation of leisure services and demolition of Temple Cowley Pool and Gym.
- Supported campaigns locally to keep our NHS public and stop privatisation.
- Worked with campaigning groups and trade unions to oppose the cuts.
- Consistently supported and campaigned for Children’s Centres and free education.
- Campaign to save community facilities which are under threat from City and County Council cuts.
Greens will:
- Continue to oppose the cuts in our public services and press for the re-establishment of lost services to our most vulnerable citizens.
- We will continue to present City and County budgets which protect front line services.
- Fight against privatisation of Oxford’s health and education services and resist government pressure to privatise ever more public services.
- Stop further council house selloffs and protect our community centres.
- Work to return public transport to public ownership.
This summary contains on party of the Green Party's vision for Oxford. Return to the full version of this manifesto for more options.
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