Housing and the Oxford Local Plan

All members are welcome to this discussion on local housing policies and what we would like to put into the local plan.

While the plan is about the city, residents of Oxfordshire living outside the city are very welcome, as well as those living in the city since housing policies about the Oxford have a major impact within Oxfordshire as a whole.

Relevant current housing policy can be found  in our Oxford City manifesto 2016 at:


Relevant policies on land use can be found throughout our County manifesto here:



May 18, 2017 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Oxford Town Hall - Long Room

Will you come?

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Showing 4 reactions

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  • Alistair Morris
    canceled rsvp 2017-05-18 15:27:30 +0100
  • Celia Kerslake
    rsvped 2017-05-18 11:20:14 +0100
  • Alistair Morris
    rsvped 2017-04-28 08:42:33 +0100
  • Susan Tibbles
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-04-14 15:49:08 +0100
    Please RSVP: Housing and the Oxford Local Plan

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